Jikiden Reiki
with Connie Lambrecht

Training in Jikiden Reiki
Connie organizes Jikiden Reiki Training with Amanda Jayne in the Nelson area once a year.
If you are interested in learning how to give Reiki treatments please follow this link to book your place on the training.
If you have any questions feel free to contact Connie Lambrecht.

Amanda Jayne
Reasons to learn this healing method may include:
to treat yourself or a close family member who is living with a chronic condition
to help yourself, your family and friends with their everyday health
to bring your children up using natural healthcare as much as possible
to enhance your skills as a holistic therapist
to discover the Japanese cultural and spiritual background to the practice
to understand fully how Reiki supports the natural healing process
You can book on this training through this link. Scroll down to find 'Training dates in Canada' and choose the seminar training you would like to attend.

What People Say...
"The Jikiden Reiki course packs a huge amount of entirely new information into a few days. I found it an inspiring, transforming experience and am now constantly delighted by the usefulness of Jikiden Reiki in my daily life." LT

What will I learn in the training?
There are two practitioner courses in the Jikiden Reiki Training. They contain everything you need to give Reiki to yourself and those around you.
Shoden Course
In this course you will learn how to give physical treatment to yourself and others for any health condition.
Okuden Course
In this course you will learn how to give treatments for emotional or psychological issues and for hobits. You will also learn how to send remote Reiki.
To learn more about the training please contact Connie Lambrecht or go to Amanda Jayne's website.
Women in Reiki
lifetimes dedicated to healing in 1930s Japan and today
by Amanda Jayne and Silke Kleemann

Buy your copy
Amanda Jayne's new book, Women in Reiki, written with Silke Kleemann, is now available in Canada for almost half the price of online retailers.
Only $37 + p&p

Further reading...
There are a few other books available on Amazon that I recommend reading if you are thinking of training in Reiki. Click on the photos to link to the Amazon pages.
Light on the Origins of Reiki
by Tadao Yamaguchi
The Hayashi Reiki Manual by Tadao Yamaguchi and Frank Arjava Petter
Reiki and Japan - A cultural view of Western and Japanese Reiki
by Masaki Nishina